Monday, 21 November 2016

We moved!

We have been very busy over the past couple of weeks and did not have Internet at our new home until recently, so posting has been difficult. 

We moved into a new house, which is  close to our old house, but is better suited to life with a toddler. 
Not going to miss the gauntlet of mosquitos nor the bullet ants. Here is the moving truck making its way to our old house down the not-so-truck-friendly pathway. 

Our new home is just outside of the forested area, still lots of trees, and open space for Max to explore safely. 

We share the property with a very nice family: Eli, Corita, and their two children, three dogs, two cats, and a bunch of chickens and roosters. 
Max loves it here, his favourite things to do are kick his ball around the yard, play with his cars in the dirt, water the plants and to watch the beautiful birds that hang out in our trees... Hummingbirds, vultures, small parrots, woodpeckers, sparrows, and a cuckoo. We also have another resident tarantula who has yet to be named. 
Spencer has been harvesting fresh coconuts and these strange gindaberries that look like cherry-pumpkin hybrids, but taste bitter like a cranberry. 

Max enjoys helping out in the kitchen, he is great at mixing and pouring, but is not too patient when it comes to waiting for cakes to bake and Popsicles to set. 

We had our friend Pat visiting from Vancouver for a week. We all took a trip with Spencer to an Indigenous community called Shampuyacu. While Takiwasi was giving their presentation, Max and I played outside with some of the local boys. They were all very excited to watch Max and listen to him speak English. Everytime he spoke they laughed, I think Max thought this was his first stand-up comedy routine. 

That evening we went and stayed at a hotel in Moyobamba that is owned by an older Japanese couple. I never thought we would be eating sushi in the jungle, but we did! we also met a new friend Lucho (who is very close to the hotel owners, but lives in Lima). He spent the next couple days showing us around the area, including a local waterpark, an orchid and butterfly garden, and a chuchiwasi bar. 

Max and I are going to headed back to Canada for a visit very soon. Can't wait to see my family and friends... Also looking forward to bagels and eggnog lattes, and a thousand other things I can't think of at the moment (drinking water from the tap, understanding what people are saying to me, wearing seat belts, being COLD, etc.) 

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